Letters are the Commonality Between Jesus, Richard Armitage and A Supreme Court Justice

I wonder if the minters used by the Vatican were as tired as I was when, after 25 hours of drafting and battling with the WordPress program,  I published my first substantive post on Armitage Agonistes  and promptly received a forwarded Facebook comment saying ” Great one- but the Richard ARMISTAD sort of bugged me a little.”  A Little!  I wanted to die. But I was glad someone pointed it out.

I’d noticed it happening over the last few editing hours when my fried brain was rebelling against its first all-nighter in a long time.  My fingers just kept typing Armistad, Armistad. I thought I’d caught them all.  All but the one in the first sentence.

jesus-mispelled-on-vatican-medal-665x385It has to be true that the worst typo is one that misspells the named “star” of the piece.  ARMISTAD  wasn’t my first screw-up, and it wasn’t the worst.

A while ago, I  was one of  a team of colleagues working round the clock to  file a set of legal papers by a hard deadline  to stay (stop) enforcement of a  federal appeals court judgment until the Supreme Court of the United States could hear what’s called  a Petition for a  Writ of Certiorari.

Hon. Thurgood Marshall, Justice.

Hon. Thurgood Marshall, Justice.

The Application for a Stay is made to the supreme court justice with oversight for the appropriate circuit  court (the second circuit covering NY and CT) In this case, it was Hon. Thurgood Marshall.

When something was important, the last round of proofreading would be a read aloud by one person who would read the text from the end to the beginning instead of the other way around and everyone else would follow.

Everything was perfect.  The papers had to be delivered to the courthouse before the midnight deadline.   I was elected to walk the papers over to the courthouse – we had about an hour to spare.

I guess the careful proofreading didn’t extend to the blue cover of the Memorandum of Law,  because, just as I exited the elevator, I looked down at one of the copies of the brief, and saw something like,

” To: The Honorable Thurgoof Marshall … ”  ThurGOOF!

Yes, one letter can make all the difference. Like the  Curb Your Enthusiasm episode in which Larry David manages to get the New York Times to print an obituary for his wife’s aunt.  I think the episode is called Beloved Aunt. When Larry returns home after his day out, he can’t understand why his wife and her family are giving him looks that kill.  He picks up the paper to read the obituary  aloud, and booms out – ” Louise Smith, Beloved  —UNT!

Puts things in perspective.

[ETA -already edited TWICE since publication to correct typos]



28 thoughts on “Letters are the Commonality Between Jesus, Richard Armitage and A Supreme Court Justice

  1. LOL! Once upon a time, someone at the Dothan Eagle approved an ad for an event at the Army base down there. It was supposed to read “Fort Rucker Job Fair.” Only the “R” in “Rucker” was an “F.” And shortly thereafter said person was no longer employed at the Dothan Eagle . . . 😉


  2. LOL – oh yeah… Typos are such a pain. It bugs the hell out of me when I find typos after I have posted something. And it is just so mind-boggling that our brain quite obviously shuts down once it is familiar with something. I was shocked for instance, when I read my degree dissertation years after graduating – and found *several* typos and grammar mistakes ON THE FIRST PAGE. *dies* (a wonder that they let me graduate at all…)
    That tip about reading aloud is something I learnt when I was a tutor in the Writing Center of an American university. I made all my students read their essays to me aloud – and correct spelling mistakes, grammar inconsistencies etc as they went along. When I have important documents to submit, I do the same – I read them aloud to me. What the eye doesn’t see, the ear will actually hear.
    That ThurGOOF typo is deliciously funny. It could’ve been so easily misinterpreted as one of you nicknaming the honourable judge and mocking him, when it is actually a genuine typo – D and F right beside each other on the keyboard. But since there is the word “goof” (even if slang), it could appear deliberate. Whoa, I bet you nearly had a heart attack. And I hope the rest of the project group bought you a drink for saving all your asses 😉
    PS: Question – I always find typos or mistakes in my WP posts after posting, sometimes even weeks later. Do you think it is bad form to correct them? I am only asking because by “updating” the post, they get reposted in the WP reader and the subscribers get the old post announced again. Is that annoying? How do you deal with that?


  3. So I want to know, what’s the meaning of Armistad? Was it just a subconscious typo? I kept thinking of the American writer surnamed Maupin, but that’s a slightly different spelling.


    • And it’s not the Slave Ship from which the movie was based, because that’s Amistad – no “r” and it’s not arbitrage. I have no clue. There is no word or famous name, Armistad.


  4. I love this! It’s so good to know I’m not the only won! (I need to run over to DF and fix something that I posted last night…again. So embarrassing sic pence DF displays the # of edits -oops!)


  5. when you update a post it gets put into the reader as a new post? whoops! I have gone back and corrected my posts months afterwards before too. I had a heck of a time with my recent post titled “a life in the day” (which was what that magazine called it’s feature) because my brain kept seeing “a day in the life” and so I would go to correct it, but see that it was actually right!

    and I still misspell the “Christian” in Chrisitan Bale (I’m leaving that one, just to prove a point 😉 ) when I was quite active in that fandom I’d oftentimes find myself singing the bible song just to make sure I spelled his name right…I am a C, I am a C-H, I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N…*laughs*


  6. I want my text to be super-clean because it’s often so long — readability of text is a central concern of mine. So it’s a matter of constant aggravation to me as well, the typos that creep in. Especially because I was notorious for a while as the person who expressed her opinion that poor typography was a turnoff in a romantic partner … for me it’s been significantly aggravated by having to write in other languages that are spelled phonetically — and then switching back into English where spelling is really complex.

    Ah, the travails of writing about Armitage. The potential self-humiliation to which we expose ourselves.

    Thurgoof is a good one. I’m sure his wife totally called him that. (Was he married?)


    • A romantic partner of mine once gave me a make-up gift – it was “The New Yorker Book of Poems,” and he inscribed it,
      “Too err is human, to forgive, devine.”
      I burst out laughing – so there was no make-up sex that night. But I watched re-runs of Hop A Long Cassidy.


  7. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 101: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

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