Richard Armitage Has a Busy Day in NYC- Is it Even Over?


Credits below. In addition to a conversation with Elle Morris, Richard Armitage Sat for a Fashion Shoot.
Lots to talk about. Can’t say I love this look. The tie is nice. Let’s digest and reassemble later.

80 thoughts on “Richard Armitage Has a Busy Day in NYC- Is it Even Over?

  1. Potential hypothetical counterfactual — they are not *actually* planning to publish photos of him dressed like this — it’s all some kind of “rile up the fangirls” spoof 🙂


  2. We’re probably just challenged in the fashion department. Who cares? The best thing about clothes is it comes off. *cough*


    • I’m not fashion challenged – though I don’t have the same confidence about mens’ wear as I do women’s. Here’s the thing -no man is going to wear that anyplace but on a runway or a fashion shoot. I don’t like the rolled jeans either. ( I like the putty colors of them).


      • yeah, something about that color combined with that is unbelievably offputting. I was just thinking, if the coat were dark, OR it was a sort of “cattleman / cowboy” brown. As is, it looks like an adult size of the kind of little boys clothes popular for the Windsor set around 1930 — you know, a coat like that, short pants, a tie, and the Mary jane slippers they still put on boys back then.


      • True. Boots look promising though. Overall impression – a) somebody call Robert Ascroft, b) or let the man dress himself, c) why did that drag him across the Atlantic for that, when he was all nice and comfy in his own clothes? 😀


  3. I am so rolling on the floor my *a* off. You are all so wonderfully hilarious and that’s sorely needed – especially with those clothes. Yes, Serv *dressed himself* was definitely sooooo much better. I also love the idea of instant karmic retribution. Otoh, if all those reports of the past days are true, the man must feel like a yoyo by now, with all that crossing the pond to and fro. And then those clothes – sighs.

    Please, consider all the above comments “liked”. 🙂 Lovely end to a rainy day.


  4. I don’t doubt it is him, but on first glance I thought it was one of those manips we’ve been discussing. His head doesn’t look like it belongs on that body. The hands are his but his legs look short and skinny – not RA’s manly thighs at all.



    But, yes. The curls are Sooooooooo nice. Let’s just get him out of those horrible horrible clothes and a glass of wine and… a scalp massage. Mmmmmm. Yes. That’s better.


    • LOL! That’s funny right there.

      I really don’t like talking about this sort of thing much, but I am just not understanding men’s jacket fashion lately. Is it a retro 70’s thing going on or am I otherwise missing something? And I currently don’t were anything with Piping. I know is was big in the 50’s. Is that making a comeback? I just don’t know anymore.

      I’m just so simple and easy to please – jeans and t-shirts and crisp shirts and leather jackets are just so nice and casual and…well…manly, damn it. What happened?


  6. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 99: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  7. Sorry, not time now to read all the thread my comment is: fantastic man, horrid clothes, Please go on dressing yourself, Mr.A. Or hires me for every photo session you have. I’ll kill the stylist of any magazine that could dare dress you this way 😛


  8. I agree with all your very funny comments… thank ladies, I needed a laugh. Just a thought: I recently saw a photo session in a magazine where they succeeded in transforming Natalie Portman in a bad dressed whore with an horrid make-up. It takes an University degree in bad taste to do such a thing with a woman like NP. So I ask myself: why? Is there a reason for such criminal behavior? Some photographer/stylist should be put unable to do harm. Stop ruin beautiful human beings like RA and NP for your silly photo sessions.


  9. Wonder whether those really young stylists put any effort into research about the actual person they are going to dress up (masquerade). It’s all about celebrities! Is it, that they find several clothes they personally like or they were offered to them from various designers and they put them on him. if they suit him or not? (I have NO problem with him dressing in other colours than black!!) To mirror Mr. A’s personality obviously seems not to be to the fore, it just has to be loud and trendy, and as everything nowadays has a shortened due date. it is almost round the corner and irrelevant (of course not for us!!!) shortly after it has been published, and soon after will be buried under thousends of other images on their site (or is this also a printed magazine? A bit hard to figure that out from here). Or maybe I/we just want too much?? RA is no fashion hipster, especially not a NY-hipster (who knows, maybe he want’s to be one! 😉 ), and therefore for me, his appearance looks rather in disguise, and like as if he is quite a stranger in his „own“ togs. Yeah, maybe it all comes down to being an actor! OTOH this appears only to be an issue for us RA-lovers, as we ogle him to such an extent, that we profess to know him so much better!!! Last years’s magnificent fashion shot with Glamour-Magazine in contrast is my (all-time?) personal favourite!! Maybe the actual published results (after photoshopping etc) are going to look totally different (FAULT magazine!!!), and the coat with this special/ugly collar turns out to be dark….. LOL


    • I’ve watched “The Rachel Zoe Project” on Bravo for a few years- she is a stylist. She has three kinds of work: (1) styling celebrities for red carpet and other events – where all the clothes are provided by the designers, including designers of shoes and jewelry – like Ilaria Urbinati who has been styling Richard Armitage, (2) editorial styling for magazines where the magazine selects the theme, based either on a trend or if the model is a celebrity, then for the model – the stylist provides the clothes, again borrowed from designers and styling for photo shoots where the subject and not the clothes are the focus – may be attendant to an article.

      I’m not sure where the photo we saw fits in – but definitely, the stylist was going for on trend without regard to much else. What can be said other than he probably looks better in it standing up.


  10. All I can say is: neck up = delicious, neck down = eeeks! I’ve seen someone compare this look to something Darren from Bewitched might have worn!


    • Welcome Snowgirl – somehow your comment slipped by me. Darren on Bewitched, huh? Which Witch? – now that I think of it, there are three Darrens if we include the film with Nicole Kidman. Either way, whoever wrote what you read is no fan of the “look” neck down.


  11. Can we just enjoy what we get without arguing or bitching about the clothes he wears? He can wear almost everything – so the heck with it! 🙂


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