The Heat Wave Got Me Thinking – Settle in NYC, Mr. Armitage

How city folk deal with a heat wave

How city folk deal with a heat wave

It’s torrid  here in the city. 95 degrees Fahrenheit – heat index reaching 100. The tall, closely packed buildings trap the heat in the canyons beneath them. The power sources underground, that keep the subways running, heat up the paved sidewalks and the asphalt gutters (we call the gutters “streets””Don’t run into the street!”). High heels get stuck in the melting tar. Breathing is downright dangerous the longer the heat lasts. Exhaust from cars and buses just lingers in a miasma of gaseous petroleum.

Me? I’ve cabbed it up to my appearance near Yankee stadium in the Bronx – no subway for me this day. Bare-legged, jacketless, an iced coffee from the news stand in the lobby – if this goes fast, it’ll be painless. My turn. The other guy is here. I feel for him, long sleeved shirt, tie, jacket. How do they do it? Men in the heat? So far, so good. Everything is on time, no complications, and I’m back downtown in my own A/C’d home/office by 12:20.

But for others in the inner city, wherever water can be found- fountains, hydrants city pools the residents congregate.
And then, there’s Orlando Bloom, nycfirehydrant

For the out of towners reading this – I promise you- as a rule, people do not walk shirtless in NYC – I guess Orlando Bloom is an exception. But- if you check out more photos on line- you’ll see that passers-by aren’t noticing him much. He freely enjoys NYC that day and others- doing what New Yorkers do- taking his kid to the park, walking his dog, grabbing a coffee. orlandobloom

So I was thinking, Maybe New York is just the right place within which Richard Armitage can blend in, lose himself, have a life. Settle here, Mr. Armitage. New Yorkers will leave you alone. Unless you walk down the street shirtless- then, well all bets are off.

36 thoughts on “The Heat Wave Got Me Thinking – Settle in NYC, Mr. Armitage

  1. That’s what I noticed on my trip to NY this spring – everyone just doing their thing. Jeans and leather jackets seemed to be the out and about uniform in March…easy to blend 🙂 Easy commute to London or LA would fit too.


    • It’s true. There’s a level of anonymity here. There are paparazzi – but by and large the citizenry is respectful because they’re used to seeing celebs among them,and they even get protective (oops APM raising its head) in the sense that neighbors look out for neighbors. Although- with instant social media- he might be “spotted” a lot- but he wouldn’t be mobbed, followed etc.


      • The only place he might have an issue would be Times Square…seriously, does any resident who isn’t required to be there for work go there? I’ve been manhandled less at the doctor than crossing the street street in Times Square – I wanted to stay central this trip – next time I’m venturing further out 🙂


        • No. To be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately, if one is going to theater and wants to dine before hand, then one winds up someplace between 41st and 53rd. It’s a really awful part of town and so much money was spent to clean it up. Everything is really central in Manhattan. There are nice boutique hotels all over town now- and larger ones on Lexington in the 50’s which is a better part of town to stay in.


          • Very good to know…I was much younger the last time I visited – NY is much less intimidating than Athens – at least I can read all the signs without a dictionary 🙂


    • He’s too gentlemanly for that sort of nonsense. I wouldn’t have minded seeing Bloom in the flesh, but it’s really bad taste – I think the sweats with his underwear showing re even worse than the bare chest. You can’t see it in the photo, but he had the nanny and his son with him as well.


      • Oh, I know, I was truly kidding. I hate the whole underwear-showing look. I find it thuggish no matter what the race or nationality of the person sporting it may be. Orlando is really old enough to know better.


        • exactly. it was really grungy looking, like he fell out of bed to walk the dog. I remember many times myself when I threw a coat over my nightgown for the 11 p.m walk.
          But at least I wore a coat


          • Yeah, exactly. I mean, I live out here in the middle of nowhere and the majority of the time I could literally walk outside naked and nobody but the birdies and squirrels and dogs would see me (I would also be eaten alive by insects, but never mind). But in a much more public setting–you need to make some sort of an effort to show a little decorum.

            And don’t worry, guys, I did put on shorts and a t-shirt earlier today for my walk so I didn’t scare anyone. 😉


  2. LOL Good idea! But I’d think the Manhattan place is just so he has somewhere familiar to stay when he’s in town. I bet he’s still too mobile to settle down, really.


    • No question that “settling down,” is inaccurate. Maybe home base is a better term.He doesn’t strike me as someone who would spend $ 1.2M for a pied a terre or someone who would own two places at the moment. But what do I know?


      • I think that Richard could see owning a place like this as suiting him better and costing less than a hotel or renting a condo. He can decorate as he wishes, have friends over, and not worry about security when he’s not there. He can go out in the neighborhood, run, go to the gym, or go to yoga without being hassled. He can dine out or pick up takeaway if he wants, with lots of choices. Richard could also see it as a nice offshore investment in the long run.


      • I like that — “home base.” And I figure that a shoebox in Manhattan probably costs more than my whole house out here in the hinterlands, so maybe the price tag is par for the course. He’s probably made enough money to afford a couple of places — or I hope so, anyway.


            • Good thing it’s a buyer’s market! I took a picture in March of a Central Park East awning repaired with duct tape…the last sale in that building was for like 20M – 2 years ago. You’d think they could have sprung for the matching colored duct tape! 😉 Can’t argue too much I suppose – basic econ says the price can only be as high as people will pay…I don’t see Manhattan clearing out anytime soon.


          • In New York, for the place he’s getting, that’s probably chump change–but it’s like anything else, whatever the market will bear. I’m happy he found something he likes, and the inside is gorgeous. Reminds me of one of my favorite artists, Edward Gordon.


  3. He strikes me as too shy a guy to go around in public shirtless ala Orlando. But the thought of him wandering the streets of NYC is enough to make want to go up there more often.


  4. From what I read, LA is a one industry town. Show business is the biggest industry by far so many people there connected to it in some way. Actors/actresses are thick on the ground there and the paparazzi have a target-rich environment there as opposed to NYC where it might be easier to blend in and hide among all the multitude of non-showbiz people who are going about their business.


  5. PERRY!! Why did I not know you are a New Yorker?? I thought I was the only RA fan in NYC!! You are so right – NYC is the right place for our RA. No one knows him here. At least in my experience. He will def blend in. Although, maybe not, because he is so GORGEOUS and not everyone in that nabe is, really. 😀


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