I Dream of Lucas North

The best thing about day-dreaming, is that you’re running your own plot. You can cut or change  troublesome facts and events (sometimes you have to day-dream how to rationalize your changes – intentional day-dreaming), you can rely on the Dallas ploy to change canon and or life – it was just a dream.


This is how I feel about the new Spooks film and Lucas North.   The film doesn’t need Lucas North and Richard Armitage doesn’t need to be in this film – probably not even a good idea now.  Any explanation the writers dream up to resurrect Lucas North  will be the butt of jokes if we’re lucky- or incensed anger and feeling of betrayal if it turns out to be ridiculous. And there’s that damn it John Bateman.

But in my fantasy, I just have to make one season disappear, dream that Richard Armitage announces a new role or two, and mentions that he’s also going to spend a few weeks shooting some scenes for  the Spooks film – so billed as something extra, a fun diversion.

And I’ve got just the right new love interest/colleague – my most favorite Elizabeth Bennet in the world, Jennifer Ehle is joining the film. They’d be great together. Fantasy overload – John Thornton and Elizabeth Bennet as a couple. Richard Armitage as Darcy. All sorts of stuff that would be fun for a goof, but not  serious.

Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones) and Jennifer Ehle, to Join New Spooks Film.

Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones) and Jennifer Ehle, to Join New Spooks Film.

Why push for a fantasy that I don’t even want in real life?

Thinking about it feels good.  The anticipation of seeing Lucas North in blue again, in another tough situation, anguishing over something or other . . . it would bring back a simpler time.

Source for Photos:  The Hollywood Reporter Spooks Film -good article.






16 thoughts on “I Dream of Lucas North

  1. If only we could wipe Season 9 from our collective memory and from reality (delete any single digital support with S9 in it, BBC archives included), if John Bateman never appeared to destroy Lucas (once again), if only they did the movie when RA suggested it… How happy I would be to see my poor Lucas again. I’ll never forgive the authors for what they did to him. Never. And they won’t have me to watch this movie. I have a personal one in my mind and I’ll stay faithful to it. Daydreaming… yes. As Alyssa said in her wonderful post: I believe in Lucas North.


  2. I too am looking forward to the Spooks movie. And those indeed are exciting cast prospects with Harrington and Ehle. I was a fan of the show on the whole, so as much as i would love to see Richard as Lucas again, I feel confident that the coffin lid was sealed pretty tightly on that one. I do like the idea though of another part altogether, or an interesting cameo, if nothing else. They could do that.


      • Well they are talking bringing Tom Quinn and Harry Pierce back, so there is that – at least for those of us previously invested. New viewers though – that is the question, yes, isn’t it?

        I recall my reaction to the X-Files movie – the first one – and it was something along the lines of “who are these people and why don’t I care any more?” IF the actors do not recall exactly how their characters were portrayed, or if there are massive inconsistencies in how they are written, we will certainly notice and feel it. I know I will. If they get it right, Spooks may become an even bigger fandom. I’m feeling pretty confident with the actors, but it really also weighs on the creative team as a whole. I’m excited though at the prospect, as well as hopeful.


        • I guess they want to capture fans and newcomers. SO they need a good cast for the and the promise of some continuity. Tom Quinn would do it for me. But, Lucas could look very close to the original. Tom, I’m, not so sure of.


          • Tom was fuller in the face last I saw him (Anna Karenina), so yes he will probably look different. We have watched Peter Firth change much in the life of the series, so that won’t be a shock.

            Speaking of change: I am in awe of Jennifer Ehle and her beauty. I think she looks seven better now to that of 18 years ago.


  3. Good point — they’d have to commit such plot acrobatics to get Lucas into the story that I’m just as happy to see him left out, but I’m looking forward to seeing where they *do* go.

    (Thanks for the pingback.)


  4. Pingback: Richard Armitage Legenda 104: Stuff worth reading | Me + Richard Armitage

  5. Pingback: Pure Joy: To See Lucas North One More Time | Armitage Agonistes

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