#Armitage fans – Burned by @DigitalTheatre’s Crucible?How to Help

At this stage, with no really helpful reply or action from Digital Theatre, I’m proposing that Richard Armitage fans make a concerted, signal-boosted effort to get @DigitalTheatre’s attention and action – through Twitter and Facebook. (Meanwhile, keep those emails going)

Many Richard Armitage fans, and probably other DT customers, have faced a frustrating time these past weeks trying to gain access to The Crucible on the DT website.  it started with change in Terms of Service, and hasn’t ended yet. The solution DT is proposing is just sending us around in circles, receiving the same useless email responses, IT order tickets, inaccessibility to the site, and most frustratingly – notices that they’re closed over a holiday that ended over a week ago.

It appears that although they are claiming a backlog – not ONE customer has had success. in accessing The Crucible or even getting resubscribed to the site.

You can check here , here  (read the comments) and search Twitter @DigitalTheatre  to read their feed and see for yourself the number of complaints, and lame responses, such as this one on Violet Dutchblogger’s FB page. Screen Shot 2017-09-03 at 8.32.24 AM

Individual action doesn’t seem to be working; therefore, I’m proposing that we take concerted action on Twitter for those who are on Twitter, (@DigitalTheatre) and on their FB page (https://www.facebook.com/digitaltheatre/ )

Here are my ideas – I’m open to other suggestions:

What we need:

  1.  First- please start by boosting by bloggers and  retweets, this notification to fans so we can reach as many as possible  way beyond my own followers. For this, the hashtag #RichardArmitage is necessary.
  2. a 40 character Tweet  (also suitable as a message on their FB page) to @DigitalTheatre with #TheCrucible setting forth our collective frustration about their poor customer practices and empty promises.
  3. or an attachment to a tweet in the form of an image that is more complete and expresses our dissatisfaction.
  4. Once we have our Tweets and FB comments in place, a window of time when we can all post -say 3 hours during the UK work day. Tweets can be scheduled for anytime you want using the Twitter app ( I think).
  5. Signal boosting and retweeting of these tweets and FB messages during the selected time period.

Please let us know through Twitter (@Perry3220) or comments here ( even if you don’t usually comment here) whether (a) you have a better idea and (b) whether you have a good 40 character tweet we can use or (c) whether you want to draft a note that can be used as a FB message and image attachment to a tweet.

Let’s face it, and DT should face it also – if they don’t come up with a workable solution soon, it is inevitable that The Crucible will be pirated ( if it hasn’t already) and this fandom will make sure that any fans who want it, will finally get it for their own private libraries. We have some of the most tech savvy fans around, and a very strong underground backchannel. We paid for it – we should own it, but we’re willing to work with DT’s promise of long term access.



33 thoughts on “#Armitage fans – Burned by @DigitalTheatre’s Crucible?How to Help

  1. Reblogged this on Unkraut vergeht nicht….oder doch? and commented:
    Danke (Thank You!) an Perry, die sich daran macht eine gesammelte Aktion zu organisieren, um Digital Theatre dazu zu bringen uns Kunden, die Onlinezugang zu ‘The Crucible’ und/oder anderen Theaterstücken gekauft haben und nun ausgesperrt wurden.
    Bitte helft mit, wenn es so weit ist und teilt Hashtags und die betreffenden Blogposts!!!


  2. Pingback: Still no satisfaction from @DigitalTheatre ? Richard Armitage fans want action | Me + Richard Armitage

  3. Pingback: Still no satisfaction from @DigitalTheatre ? Richard Armitage fans want action | Me + Richard Armitage

    • Yep, I’ve searched as well… I don’t know how to do the pirating but in this case, if I knew how, I definitely would. To me, it wouldn’t be pirating but ripping my own property…


  4. Think for DT there now lies huge legal liability. It’s not just The Crucible and Okd Vic RA interview, but a larger customer base that all got scammed out of “lifetime ownership”. I have no doubt they are consulting attorneys as to what they can/cannot do by way of resolution.
    Like all of Perry’s suggestions. This needs to be visible to get any results/answers.


  5. Pingback: Signal boost for concerned consumer action against Digital Theatre … | Well, There You Go ...

    • Some tweets of about 40 characters, including the hashtags :

      We paid You lied Reply now #TheCrucible  (this one is the most direct)

      we will burn together #FixIt #TheCrucible  

      it speaks deceit & I am honest #TheCrucible 

      Keep your promises. #FixIt #TheCrucible

      Liked by 2 people

      • Good ones, especially the line quotes from the play! I’d want to post something like:

        “Yes you can, @DigitalTheatre! #TheCrucible download, #fixit please!”

        … to go along with blog post I prepared (yeah, I stole your fixit hashtag). I really want a download and not just an assurance of ‘long-tern rental’. Tweet’s a little longer than 40 characters, though.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: #Armitage fans – Burned by @DigitalTheatre’s Crucible?How to Help — Armitage Agonistes | I'm Feeling This

  7. Pingback: Co-signed: Time for a tweet storm @DigitalTheater – Fully Grown-Up Fangirl

  8. Rebloged this on “One Last Time?” “Never” …I have sent two emails to support and one to their website, no response from support, but “Alice” did answer after a few days and asked for patience as they have a backlog of inquiries, no really(?) , and unanticipated problems with the new format…Ya think?


  9. Pingback: OT: Let Us Rise! #DigitalTheatre #DACA | Guylty Pleasure

  10. Thought we could put something like this in a tweet on a specific date. Perhaps starting on 15 Sept & then everyday thereafter. We could direct everyone to change hashtags for people not in the fandom Maybe more than once a day:

    Where’s my access to previously purchased items free & in perpetuity #thecrucible #armitageinterview #RichardArmitage‬


  11. Pingback: Yes you can, Digital Theatre! | The Book of Esther

  12. As a suggestion, in addition to the SM approach, consider sending a good old fashioned letter of complaint addressed to the Directors of DT by registered post at their offices. It’s all part of creating a documentary trail.
    If the issue remains unresolved, have a look at the UK Consumer Ombudsman website. Consider registering a complaint against DT with them. It will add to the pressure on DT to resolve the situation. Hope this helps.


  13. Pingback: Global Team Armitage!  The Crucible Starring Richard Armitage Awaits me–Again!   September 16, 2017  Gratiana Lovelace  (Post #1097) | Something About Love (A)

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