19 thoughts on “Is Anyone Else Curious About This Saddle?

  1. Looks like a bareback pad to me – maybe he’s learning to ride bareback and they’ll take the pad away for long shots when they’re filming?


  2. actually on second look not really, if you look closely he actually sits on a leather saddle probably, it is brown in colour and can be seen very slightly around the back of his thighs and almost up to his knee at the front. The saddle just sits on a protective cloth layer on the horse so it doesn’t rub directly on his skin, which i why i am inclined to think the actual saddle is leather. You’d normally see more, but RA is big for a rider 🙂 So is the horse actually as well.


  3. more saddle info 😉 this is what they look like these days: http://www.minstersaddlery.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KEQjw0fOoBRDn88Pol8bqhN0BEiQARGVJKo8jDLhO63zIkI860p3LKUOtH4sI7s0oLmzMBHyRtVsaAu018P8HAQ His looks almost like a dressage one, ie a bit longer in the thigh area.
    or more examples, the dressage ones often come with the protector underneath http://www.crewesaddlery.co.uk/saddle-collection.php It also explains what the correct position should be, ie lowest point in the middle of the saddle not towards the back, etc,


    • Thanks, my rider friend also confirmed this 🙂 we were both wondering just how uncomfortable he’d be riding in jeans (while i was admiring my friend’s great breeches, she was on her way to riding). He really should get himself a pair of breeches if he plans to be on a horse for some time. According to her Wrangler do special models for riding if he is determined to stick to jeans 🙂 Hm, makes one think a lot of riding will be expected in Pilgrimage if he’s practising jumping as well..


  4. I agree on a jumping sadle; it could even be a racing saddle. These look smaller than the dressage/combination saddles.
    Also, the English saddles look (and are presumably) lighter than the German type saddles to which I’m accustomed (used to be an avid rider in my youth).
    I would never ride in jeans; they can cause massive skin abrasions on the inner thighs – very painful.


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