Who Would Have Thunk It?

T More than once, I’ve recounted instances when I had it so easy in NYC going to a movie theater to see Richard Armitage or one of his performances. Here, when I went to The Hobbit Fan Event and was back home about 12 minutes after it ended, to write about it, and here when I bundled up to the see the midnight show of the Desolation of Smaug and was home something like 8  minutes after the show – and that was walking.

Going to movie theaters did not seem like a problem when I decided to move to Mexico because I read  that there was a multiplex theater that showed first run films in English right outside the town I would be living in and a large city with several theaters was about 45 minutes away.   A bus, cab or friend is all it would take to get there, and a certain tornado film if Into The Storm wasn’t going to open here until September 5- well, at least it would get here. I was covered.

But, it got better!

I’m really a creature of habit, which I know sounds weird coming from a person who just decided and then did, change her whole life in like two days . But, when I walk down my hill everyday to explore, or shop or meet a friend ( yes – I’ve made some friends already) or try to find a manicure or an electric lighter for my gas grill, I always make a right turn into town. Today I turned left just for the hell of it – and after 10 minutes – less time than it would take me to walk to the AMC Lincoln Square where the Hobbit Fan Event was held- I walked smack into – a multiplex theater. Terrific! There’s a new theater right in town, right here in the desert foothills.

And it gets even better.

One of my projects here is to get some movie theater to become a venue for National Theater Live, which I fell in love with this winter. You can read about it here. The Metropolitan Opera streamed live is shown down here ( down from the US – but up, up up from sea level)- and that’s great, but my love is theater and not opera. So when I learned from some new friends  that a new owner bought the theater in town and that they’re his friends, I resolved to pitch NTL to him without haste – and my friends think he’ll be more than interested to become a venue.  They’re going to set up the meet.

Maybe that one suit I brought down will come in handy.

I honestly can’t believe my luck. I can’t even believe my resolve to make this happen. I thought I’d have to find a connection to some theater owner in the city – but no. Once again, right in my own backyard I have what I need. And the consensus was that there would be keen enough interest to easily fill the theater for a showing.

I’m thrilled. I’m going to make this happen. I won’t say I’m taking the bull by the horns – just because every Sunday here – well, they take  los toros by the horns -or rather, they attempt to avoid the horns – non-lethal bull fights every Sunday in  the bull ring. I won’t be going.

Now, if I only could just find a lead to tap into the Old Vic management and benefactors, I could see the very one play I’m pining for.

Could be thrilling – but I think it’s going to be tough, as in tough tootsies. 





11 thoughts on “Who Would Have Thunk It?

  1. That’s great!!! I am really happy for you Perry, and hope this new theater can fulfill all your future needs about good plays to watch. Isn’t it great when things happen like magic? It gives you a sense of confidence and wellness far beyond the simple joy linked to the mere fact itself.


    • It’s true. There’s still a ways to go, and I know nothing about what NTL charges their venues or what restrictions they have. All I know is that the nearest venue to me is over 250 miles away and the NTL website has a specific link for theater owners who want to become venues. So, we’ll see.


    • It looks that way, and I won’t forget that it was you who pointed me in the direction of NTL when you recounted your afternoon in a Sydney theater watching the 50 year celebration.


    • Thanks for the good luck wishes. I’m guessing that the powers that be want to see if the production is a success before they expand the viewing audience – although if advance sales is the measure, they’re just about there.


  2. This move seems like a better and better decision as each day goes by. A movie theatre offering those ‘live’ events too, and right around the corner – perfect!


  3. Not exactly right around the corner ( I’m awfully spoiled), but within walking distance, so that’s good enough, and more than I expected. I’m optimistic about my chances.


  4. I am sorry to say that I am yet to watch the Desolation of Smaug. I’ve read it innumerable times but, when I went to watch the first Hobbit film way back in January 2013, I was severely jet-lagged and happily slept through the first half. I am a little less keen on the film renditions of the Hobbit after that. Although, I even slept for a while during Les Miserables, which we watched the next day. What a waste of Odeon points!


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