Hobbit Trailer or Health Care?

Will millions of uninsured Americans be on the internet today registering for Health Insurance under the Affordable HealthCare Act?


or will they be watching the release of the new Hobbit Trailer?

Source: Meandrichard

Source: Meandrichard

Kidding of course. Do both.

17 thoughts on “Hobbit Trailer or Health Care?

      • Yes, through taxes paid by citizens in relation to income. Sadly we are often forced to use private sector for analysis like scan, MRI, etc because of waiting time in public structures. But there are affordable prices if you are not very poor (just i.e.: I recently did a scan for my shoulder and paid 64 € (complete blood test in a public structure costs similarly if you have some income, only a ticket if you have less than a minimum). We don’t pay for essential drugs (medical prescription necessary, of course). No expenses in Hospital. But our financial and political situation is worsening every day so I really don’t know how much we can hold. Presently we are without Government, since Berlusconi retired HIS ministers (he own them, literally) and Government Crisis opened. G*d only know what will happen 😦


        • “Without government” – I can never understand that – well, I guess until now- since it seems we are without government. Health Care – big problem here. I almost never get on political soapbox- but the scare tactics against this healthcare law are, in cases lies or misplaced. Though there are some problems.


          • yeah, I read you have some BIG troubles now 😦 Our government falls often, because of political tactic and ransoms. It’s a shame. We will go back voting without a new electoral law so there will be the same problems as in the past. Since I was major age (too many years to tell) I went voting every single year for one thing or another. One ask itself why 😥


          • My adult son has lousy health insurance through his employer and just got a bill for over $3,200 for a 6 hour hospital emergency department visit.


  1. As a citizen of a country that has had NHS available to all probably since 1939, but also a country that makes it’s viewers wait TWO WEEKS for the premiere of The Hobbit, that’s a tough one 😉

    But seriously, of course you may chose to opt for private healthcare here, but I see it as a blessing that there’s a system in place, despite sometimes having its faults that gives you the comfort of knowing that when the worst sh!t hits the fan health wise, you won’t be left alone helpless. It may not be a perfect system but the alternative is terrifying!


  2. The government shutdown is all just a big trick orchestrated by Warner Bros to force suddenly furloughed government employees to watch the TDOS trailer.


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