Spoiler Alert: Another “John” for Richard Armitage?

News is out that Richard Armitage is in final talks to play John Proctor in a production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible at the Old Vic. He will be perfect in this role. Spot on.

As many of you know,  The Crucible is about a witch hunt in 17th century Salem, Mass, hot bed of puritanism. But in truth, it’s a fable about the other witch hunt going on almost contemporaneously in the United Stated when Senator Joseph McCarthy led the House Un-American Activities Committee in a hunt to root out and expose Communists in government positions, which I hope to discuss in forthcoming posts.

Fine actors have played this role.  Arthur Kennedy played the first John Proctor in 1953. In the 1996 film Daniel Day Lewis was John Proctor and in 2002, Liam Neeson played the role. In s made for TV film, George C. Scott was the adulterous farmer.

The plot and character offer some familiar elements for Richard Armitage, besides the recurring oddity of his playing characters named John. John Proctor is a farmer. like John Standring. Despite one lapse in judgment,  he is an honorable, hard working man who loves his family, like John Porter. He has a dalliance with an underage girl, like Paul Andrews. And – well the end – you know what I’m talking about.

What a summer in store for Richard Armitage – and all of us. For this wonderful opportunity and for other reasons, I’ll overlook the fact that it’s not scheduled for New York. But hey- who knows? Maybe it’ll be brought to Broadway as so many other British productions have been.



22 thoughts on “Spoiler Alert: Another “John” for Richard Armitage?

  1. This is so exciting- a good, meaty role in a well-known play at a venerable theatre company, the Old Vic. Apparently it’s now 99% certain that RA has the part, according to a very recent tweet from the original source, so that’s fantastic news.


    • Perry and I were just saying, it’s funny how the news broke when you were all asleep in the UK- I’m really happy for you, that you’ll have the opportunity to go see RA on stage.


      • oh yes, and what an awakening! This a fantastic news, finally something really important and challenging. Great news indeed. I’ll finally have an excuse to return and visit London 😉


        • Good morning Micra. Nice surprise to wake up to I hope. If you can go, you must. You will have to be one to review it for us. And OMG – he’ll be at a stage door every night for 3 months!


          • Thank you a very nice awakening indeed! I must find a way to go to London, absolutely. I have to convince my sister according her commitments. But I will go, no doubt!
            The idea of him at a stage door for every 3 months is… exciting? Really great. 😀


        • I just looked at the cost of f lights from my city to London – at least to buy them now it’s very expensive. Where are those $600 to London airfares when you need them?


    • As Katharine says, even though I would have to travel far and long to see it if I could, I’m kind of happy for you Brits and other Europeans. We’ll need some ace reporting. And a secret video recorder.


  2. I saw Charlton Heston in the role in LA a long long time ago. I agree Richard would be great, but I do have a built-in resistance to parts which end in his … can there be a spoiler alert for a play so well known?


  3. Awww man, I wish I could go!! I’d really love to see him in this play!! London is a bit too far for me at the moment😫😫😫


  4. Always late to the party as only just caught up with this. Reaction ‘yay’ beside myself with joy at the chance to see our boy on stage at least a bit closer to home. Part seems made for him although I’d like to see him live to do a few more sequels LOL.


  5. Loved DDL’s performance and would love to see RA’s performance. Again, another John character. Now he needs to address the untimely ends to his characters of late. So wished my niece had been accepted to Oxford so I had a good excuse to visit England. I don’t think me wanting to see RA in The Crucible would fly with my hubby.


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