The Hobbit Wins Oscars in Technical Categories

From Middle Earth News


Congratulations to Martin Hill, Jon Allitt, Nick McKenzie, Dr Peter Hillman and Areito Echevarria of Weta Digital on winning Oscars at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Scientific and Technical Awards, 2014.

Martin Hill, Jon Allitt and Nick McKenzie were honoured with a Technical Achievement Award for the creation of the spherical harmonics-based lighting system which allows digital artists to quickly see the results of changing lights, materials and set layouts in digital environments.

Dr Peter Hillman and Areito Echevarria won Technical Achievement Awards for their work developing deep compositing, which allows a pixel to contain multiple data samples instead of just one.

The event was held at The Beverly Hills Hotel, Los Angeles on Saturday 15 February, 2014.

Source: 3news

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