The Hobbit Movie: Article and Documentary

Here   is the article. Below are the  two parts of the documentary, A Long Expected Autopsy and The Battle of the Five Studios. 

Much of what is covered in in this documentary has been  analyzed, discussed, complained about and defended when the films were released, such as the difficulty in transforming what is essentially a children’s book and turning it into a tonal match to LOTR. Still, as someone who was not a Tolkien fan and had no stake in the filming of The Hobbit, aside from Richard Armitage, I think the documentary maker echoed many of the criticisms I found in the trilogy. There are some good interviews ( especially with Guillermo Del Toro), scenes from the films ( including LOTR), behind the scenes Vlogs and even some of the snark which ( lots of Legolas bashing and Tauriel questions) are fun as well as illuminating.

Near the end of part 2, there’s a neat discussion about the structuring of the relationship between Thorin and Bilbo, how the two ending death scenes were perhaps, in the wrong order, and an homage to Baggenshield.

The documentary maker, Lindsay Ellis, knows LOTR well, is a prolific You Tuber offering criticism of genre movies, and has done her research.

The only real mention of Richard Armitage is subsumed in a statement that The Hobbit had a brilliant cast  ( aside from the returning cast fro LOTR)

2 thoughts on “The Hobbit Movie: Article and Documentary

  1. Shrugs. I enjoyed “Go Set a Watchman.” It wasn’t the tour de force that “To Kill A Mockingbird” was, but I am glad I was able to read it and I thought it was a strong effort. I only hope it wasn’t printed only over her protests or with her not understanding what was going on. I admit that’s all I’ve watched here … I’m not sure I’m interested in rehashing this again — her opening and her titles seem more or less give away her position and as you say, we’ve heard it before. I enjoyed the first two movies a great deal as movies, but I also didn’t have LOTR in my pantheon as the most perfect movies of the century (although I enjoyed them). BOTFA was not as good, I thought, but I still find a great deal worthwhile about it.

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  2. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

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